The importance of healing

There comes a time in many of our lives where we experience difficult moments mentally or even physically. Some of us deal with childhood trauma that never gets resolved or even talked about. We carry these burdens on our shoulders for years without realizing it.

Acknowledging our trauma is one way of healing. Personally, I have carried childhood trauma on to my adult life. Not only has it affected me but also the people around me. I found myself feeling unloved and constantly seeking validation from others. At the same time, I rejected any love that came my way. Some days felt lonelier than others. It felt as if I was drowning, yet no one could save me. When you grow up feeling as if you have to keep everything to yourself, it eventually catches up to you. Making it difficult to maintain any friendships and/or relationships.

Why is it important to heal? It is important to acknowledge that we experience difficult moments in life. However, giving ourselves time and space to release those traumas and burdens allows us to heal. We can experience healing through meditation, conversation, body movement, and storytelling. These are a few powerful exercises that allow us to go within. It's never easy acknowledging or even healing from these events and/or moments that have become part of our lives over time. Yet, in those moments of vulnerability, we allow ourselves to step into our power by forgiving past experiences.