Posts tagged ideas
Connecting with the world or with yourself in the morning. Does it make a difference?

It starts the moment you wake up and what you decided to do first thing in the morning. Often times Its the act of rolling over and reaching for the phone. Then all of a sudden its the repeated movement of your finger flicking up and down the screen. Stuck in a loop scrolling when you realize its been an hour. An hour of consuming the lives, trends, and news happening around the world. It seems as if this is something that comes naturally to us at this point. However when you start letting things influence you so early in the morning without realizing it sets the tone for the rest of your day. Most often its the connection with the world and what about the connection with our selfs? 

What happens when you decided to ignore the phone in the morning and try something different? I tried it and this is what happened. Waking up early has been a struggle and to be honest I am not a fan. It took a while to get into the habit of waking up early and sometimes its still a struggle but it makes a difference. Now since ignoring the phone first thing in the morning was the goal what was I gonna do now? Well over the past year I began my spiritual journey and meditating slowly became part of my life among other things. Every morning I wake up to a meditation video and let myself breath and be in the moment. The act of simply stretching and practicing breathing makes a difference in my body, mind, and spirit. Now let me say sometimes I fall back into my old ways but it makes me feel so out of touch with myself. The next morning I try again and thats the best part you can try again. After meditating I write in my journal about my dreams, my thoughts, or my feelings. I let myself write without editing which allows me to be raw, honest, and in the moment. This has helped me be vulnerable and let say I have learned so much about myself. My goals, my dreams, my believes, my traumas, and everything that makes me well Me. After journaling its probably been an hr since I woke up and I have not touched the phone. At this point I get up and get ready for the day. I dress myself, brush my teeth, and make myself breakfast. I used to skip breakfast because really I am not a fan of breakfast foods but I have implemented it into my daily routine. I can see the difference in my energy every morning. Once I finished breakfast I sit down with my phone and my laptop. At this point I have been focusing on myself all morning and  I feel ready to open up the link, check emails, and work on my to do list for the day.Now this is the only a snippet of what its been like to ignore the phone first thing in the morning.

I can say the connection i have with myself has increased as I have chosen to ignore the phone first thing in the morning. Spending time aimlessly scrolling through different apps does not bring me any type of satisfaction or joy. However thats just me and how I feel after implementing these things into my morning routine. I can not say this will work for everyone because to be honest we are all different. That is the beauty of connecting with yourself finding ways that allow you to be in touch with who you are. It all starts with taking that first step and connecting with yourself.