Taking that leap of faith or allowing the fear of failure stop you. Failure isn’t easy so how do we deal with it?

When you dream of something it all seems impossible until you make it your goal. Then you spend your days and nights envisioning how this will come into fruition. When you finally take that leap of faith and it all becomes a reality yet it is not what you expected. Suddenly you feel this rushing sense of disappointment and failure. How is that even after taking that leap of faith we fail to acknowledge how much we have learned along the way.

Failing isn’t easy, so how do we deal with it? I would say I have the answer and that I can give you a list to follow but I don’t have one. In a society were we constantly celebrate our accomplishments it almost  feels impossible to acknowledge our failures. However when we start to see our failures as lessons things start to change. Now you may ask how can I see my failures as lessons? well it was not until recently that I asked myself that  same question. Instead of focusing on the end result I took a step back to view the bigger picture. At this point I saw everything I had accomplished along the way. It was an accumulation of all these things that made it possible to get to this point in my life. I admit it may have not been what I expected it to be but now I have acquired the the skills to move forward and tackle things differently. I take this as an opportunity to take that next step in life and continue to learn through my failures. 

If I learned anything is that failure can lead to endless possibilities. I can definitely say that acknowledging how much I learned along the way has allowed me to step into my power. With this in mind I say keep going and acknowledge all that you have learned up to this moment. Take that leap of faith no matter the outcome. Be a dreamer but most importantly Be you.