How do we find our inner child and is it really lost?

 As a kid It all begins with your imagination. One day you are a dragon on top of a mountain hiding from the evil knight and in that moment it all feels so real. Then with a blink of an eye everything changes and that dragon begins to fade. That kid who fiercely embodied the spirit of the dragon is suddenly  growing older. All those adventures are no longer real but simply stories to be told. At what point in life do we begin to lose that inner child?

How do we find our inner child and is it really lost? A part of me wants to say no. Our inner child is not lost yet why does it feel as if we lost it along the way. It was not until recently that I was introduced to the term. It all made sense when I began doing the work to speak to my inner child. I was unaware of how much I was holding within me. As I began listening to my inner child things started to change. That scared, sad, and angry child spoke about its fears and made sure I listened. Now I know that my inner child is not lost but covered under layers of life. Pulling those layers off one by one and facing the truth behind those feelings is not easy. Allowing yourself to truly be vulnerable in order to heal is the first step. I can say this is only the begging of a long journey to come.  

If I learned anything about my inner child is that she is stronger then she seems. I do not know what else I may uncover along the way but I do know that I will learn to love her because she is a part of me and who I am today. This is only a glimpse into my experience this far and how I discovered my inner child. Perhaps you and I have very different layers to uncover as we are individually unique. It all depends if you allow yourself to peel those layers away and listen to what your inner child has to say. An as I mentioned in my previous blog “ It all start with taking that first step and connecting with yourself.”